BNA: Brand New Animal, a 2020 anime series by Studio Trigger, takes viewers on a whirlwind adventure into Anima City, a haven for beastmen – humans who can transform into animalistic humanoids. Though the series was not much of a success when compared with other popular originals by Studio Trigger like Kill la Kill or Promare, the series gained a niche of audience who appreciated its efforts. Now with such a creative characterization, we are expecting a Brand New Animal Season 2 to provide more background information. Will Studio Trigger continue the series for its fans? let’s find out.
The premises of Brand New Animal
Before we go further let us revisit what Brand New Animal is about: The story follows Michiru Kagemori, a seemingly ordinary human whose life takes an unexpected turn when she suddenly transforms into a tanuki (racoon dog). Fearing persecution, Michiru flees to Anima City, a hurried metropolis where beastmen can live freely. There, she encounters a colorful cast of characters, from the stoic wolf bodyguard Shirou Ogami to the cunning fox-like swindler Marie. As Michiru tries to survive in this new world, she uncovers the history and struggles of beastmen.
One of BNA’s greatest strengths lies in its world-building.
- Studio Trigger doesn’t bombard viewers with excessive exposition. Instead, the world of Anima City unfolds organically through Michiru’s experiences.
- We see the city’s vibrant energy through its busy marketplace where beastmen trade goods. The creativity reaches its peak with the market full of vendors with various animalistic features, where we get a sense of cultural norms and the daily life of the beastmen.
- The dark underbelly of prejudice reveals itself in hushed conversations and wary glances from human tourists.
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Studio Trigger’s signature animation style
Studio Trigger which is currently working on Delicious in Dungeon, is known for its unique approach in animation as we have seen in the Kill la Kill’s action sequences.
- The vibrant colors and energetic fight scenes, like the zero-gravity baseball game between human and beastmen teams, create an enchanting experience.
- The characters are well designed as each beastmen reflects their animal form through their facial features and body movement.
- From Shirou Ogami’s piercing wolf eyes to Marie’s sly fox-like grin, the animation brings the characters to life.
The central plot of BNA is engaging. We witness Michiru’s transformation not just physically, but also emotionally. As she learns about the discrimination beastmen face, her initial fear evolves into a determination to fight for equality. We can see the underlying themes of racism and prejudice faced by the beastmen which is somewhat a reflection of the ill elements of our real-life society.
Where did it go wrong?
While BNA excels in worldbuilding, visuals, and storytelling, it’s not without its flaws. The introduction of multiple subplots in the later episodes can feel rushed. For instance, the mystery surrounding the “Nirvasyl Syndrome” feels underdeveloped, leaving viewers with unanswered questions. Additionally, some character motivations can be inconsistent. Michiru’s childhood friend Nazuna, for example, undergoes a personality shift that feels unearned, serving more as a plot device than a natural character development.
Possibility of Brand New Animal Season 2
They’re already discussing this matter with toho, we just gotta let them know we really want this shit😭
— Blizzard❄️ Commissions Open‼️ (@B1iz4rd) October 10, 2022
Despite being released in 2020, the show has not been continued for season 2 until now. The biggest reason behind the lack of effort by the makers is the low views. The show’s makers have hinted at a season 2 by 2025 but only if the show receives enough recognition by the anime community. However, the only reason for the lack of recognition is the plot inconsistency of season 1 does not do justice to the diverse cast that Brand New Animal has to offer.
Studio Trigger, known for their one-shot hits by finishing series in only one season, but making the most out of it, has failed to do the same for BNA. Considering how much potential BNA has for season 2 and so much room for exploration, continuing the series is the need of the hour.
Alternative ideas for the Brand New Animal sequel
The world of BNA is vast and following are some of the ways to revisit it beyond a straight sequel or remake.
- Focus on specific characters: A spin-off series focusing on a particular character or group of characters could be an interesting option. Characters like Shirou Ogami, with his mysterious past, or the mischievous trio of tanuki swindlers offer fertile ground for further exploration.
- OVA (Original Video Animation): An OVA could provide additional content or explore a side story that wouldn’t necessarily fit within a full season. It could focus on events that happened before or after the first season, giving viewers a deeper understanding of the world and characters.
Ultimately, the decision of whether to revisit BNA lies with the creators. Whether through a sequel, remake, or another format, BNA has the potential to continue to be loved by the viewers