The Dangers in My Heart also known as Boku no Kokoro no Yabai Yatsu is an anime adaptation of the manga written and illustrated by Norio Sakurai and animated by Shin-Ei Animation. The anime which was released in April 2023 garnered immense popularity and due to the quirky storyline it is considered by fans as one of the best romantic comedy and slice-of-life anime of Spring 2023.
The Dangers in My Heart: What is it about?
The Dangers in My Heart navigates through the lives of Kyoutarou Ichikawa and Anna Yamada. Kyoutarou is presented as a shy and reserved student in middle school, but on the inside hides a bloodthirsty killer.
He takes a keen interest in human anatomy and wishes to slice up people to explore their insides. While this may seem like a thriller trope, it actually navigates itself as a romantic comedy and slice-of-life anime.
Kyoutarou chooses Yamada as his prime target, her being the class idol and his eventual wish to see her beautiful face writhing in pain before his eyes.
But everything takes a turn when Kyoutarou starts seeing Yamada in a different light. Various events change his perceptions about the girl and he finds out a softer and more embracing side to her, which we will explore in the next section.
The Dangers in My Heart: what changes Kyoutarou’s Perceptions?
Kyoutarou meets Yamada in the library often every day. While at first, he harbours the intention of killing her in cold blood, with a lot of imagery of her murder, he later finds out that he is actually soft on her due to reasons that he could not decipher at the beginning.
During their encounters, Ichikawa realizes that his classmate whom everyone so dearly admires is actually an airhead who lacks the ability to read the room. As they begin to spend time together, Ichikawa develops sympathy towards her and fosters a sense of protection towards this person that he so dearly wished to murder.
The Dangers in My Heart: is it an anime worth watching?
The Dangers in My Heart captivates all attention from the very beginning of the first episode. While it navigates through a trope of character development and the emotional quotients that drastically change throughout the anime, it also becomes an interesting watch for those who might be looking for something romantic entrapped in a mystery.
The Dangers in My Heart is a must-watch for those who are looking for new slice-of-life anime shows for 2023 and it makes this anime an interesting story to navigate through amidst all the fun and games of a murderous lover.
The Dangers in My Heart has become a fan-favorite ever since its release. It has gained immense popularity and has also suitable reviews on My Anime List and other platforms. For those who would love to watch a slice-of-life romance during the summers, this spring anime becomes the rose to the bouquet.