Great Pretender follows the story of Makoto Edamura, a talented but small-time Japanese con artist who unknowingly gets caught up in an elaborate scam orchestrated by Laurent Thierry, a seasoned French con artist. Makoto is tricked into becoming a member of Laurent’s crew, which includes other skilled con artists, Abigail Jones and Cynthia Moore.
Together, they embark on a series of high-stakes heists and cons, targeting wealthy individuals and criminals around the world. The story takes them from Los Angeles to Singapore, London, and beyond, as they execute their elaborate schemes with precision and finesse.
As the series progresses, the lines between the con artists and their marks become increasingly blurred, blurring the distinction between heroes and villains. The story becomes more complex than pulling off a heist, as the characters are forced to confront their own moral compasses and question the consequences of their actions.
Great Pretender Characters: Are They Villains or Anti-Heroes?
Great Pretender is a story that blurs the line between villains and anti-heroes, showcasing complex and morally ambiguous characters, as the series revolves around a group of con artists who engage in elaborate heists and scams to deceive wealthy individuals and criminals.
While the protagonists of Great Pretender are engaging in illegal activities and deception, they often find themselves pitted against individuals who are even more corrupt and morally bankrupt. This juxtaposition creates a dynamic where the audience may sympathize with the protagonists despite their actions.
The series explores the backgrounds and motivations of the characters, revealing their personal struggles and vulnerabilities. This adds depth to their actions and allows viewers to understand their choices, even if they are engaging in morally questionable behavior.
Throughout the story, the lines between right and wrong become blurred, and characters must confront their own ethics and motivations. The narrative challenges traditional notions of heroism and villainy, presenting characters who are driven by a mix of personal gain, justice, and personal redemption.
The Quest for Reasons- Breaking Down the “Con Artist” Mindset
- They are skilled at manipulating and charming others to gain their trust. They are often charismatic and persuasive, using their charm to create a false sense of connection and credibility.
- They thrive on deceiving others for personal gain. They may exploit people’s vulnerabilities, greed, or desire for quick and easy solutions to extract money, information, or other valuable resources.
- They are adaptable and skilled at thinking on their feet. They can quickly assess a situation, identify potential targets, and tailor their approach accordingly. They are adept at adjusting their stories and tactics to suit the circumstances and maximize their chances of success.
- They often exploit people’s trust in authority figures or their willingness to believe in something or someone. They may pose as professionals, experts, or individuals with insider knowledge to gain credibility and convince others to fall for their schemes.
- They may rationalize their actions by convincing themselves that their victims deserve to be deceived or that they are simply taking advantage of opportunities presented to them. They often have a distorted moral compass that allows them to justify their behavior.
For some, these may either sound like impressive and attractive traits, while to others, these may feel downright illicit. That is exactly the black-and-white perplexity that surrounds the characters of this anime, making it even more so special in the community. You can watch the anime here to decide for yourself.
In conclusion, Great Pretender can be seen as a story of complex individuals operating in a morally ambiguous world. The characters navigate through shades of gray, showcasing elements of both villains and anti-heroes as they pursue their goals and confront their own moral dilemmas.