The manga series Ojou to Banken-kun (A Girl & Her Guard Dog) is getting an anime adaptation in 2023. It will be produced by Project No. 9 and directed by Yoshihiro Takamoto. The anime is scheduled to premiere on September 28, 2023, on Tokyo MX and other networks. The official streaming license has been given over to Crunchyroll.
【NEWS】A Girl & Her Guard Dog – New Anime Key Visual!
The anime is scheduled for September 28.
Animation Studio: project No.9
— Anime Trending (@AniTrendz) August 8, 2023
Plot and Premise of Ojou to Banken-kun
The story follows Isaku Senagaki, the daughter of a yakuza boss. After her parents die in a car accident, she is raised by her grandfather and becomes a member of the yakuza herself. However, she dreams of living a normal life and going to high school.
When she enrolls in high school, she is assigned a bodyguard, Keiya Uto, who is 11 years older than her. Keiya is a loyal and devoted bodyguard, but he is also very strict with Isaku. The two of them eventually form a close bond, but their relationship is complicated by their age difference and their different backgrounds.
The Meeting
The first arc introduces Isaku and Keiya. Isaku is a shy and timid girl who is afraid of her grandfather and the yakuza lifestyle. Keiya is a strong and silent man who is dedicated to protecting Isaku. The two of them meet when Keiya is assigned to be Isaku’s bodyguard at school.
The Bond
The second arc follows the development of the bond between Isaku and Keiya. As they spend more time together, they begin to trust each other and open up to each other. Isaku starts to come out of her shell and Keiya starts to let his guard down.
The Conflict
The third arc introduces a conflict between Isaku and Keiya’s relationship. Isaku’s grandfather disapproves of their relationship and tries to keep them apart. Keiya also struggles with his feelings for Isaku, knowing that their relationship is forbidden.
The Resolution
The fourth arc resolves the conflict between Isaku and Keiya’s relationship. Isaku’s grandfather finally accepts their relationship and Keiya decides to leave the yakuza so that he can be with Isaku.
Cast and Crew
- Isaku Senagaki
Voiced by: Akari Kito - Keiya Uto
Voiced by: Yiichiro Umehara - Mikio Tanuki
Voiced by: Junya Enoki - Kaori Sekiya
Voiced by: Mai Nakahara
The opening theme song will be “Suki ni Naccha Dame na Hito” (A Person You Shouldn’t Fall in Love With) by Masayoshi Oishi, while the ending theme song will be “Magie×Magie” by Akari Kito.
It also seems like a live-action of the series is in the works and will hit the big screen soon.
鬼頭さんが演じてくれるの嬉しい✨#お嬢と番犬くん #鬼頭明里 #梅原裕一郎 #アニメ好きさんと繋がりたい— たけこ (@animagi_staff) August 29, 2023
Ojou to Banken-kun is a heartwarming story about two people from different worlds who find love and acceptance with each other. One of the power couples of shoujo manga, these two have had their fair share of troubles.
Once you get over the age gap, you will find that the manga is full of humor, sweetness, and romance. It is a story that will stay with you long after you finish reading it.