Record of Ragnarok: Who is Qin Shi Huang and what is his curse?

Record of Ragnarok: Who is Qin Shi Huang and what is his curse?

Qin Shi Huang is the human representative in the seventh round of Ragnarok, fighting against the Greek god Hades. He is the founder of the Qin Dynasty and the first emperor to unify China, widely regarded as the greatest emperor in all of Chinese history. Qin Shi Huang is a very proud and arrogant man, but he is also a brilliant strategist and tactician.

A master of martial arts, he possesses a vast knowledge of weapons and armor and wields Völundr, a pair of gauntlets that grant him superhuman strength and speed. His battle against Hades is one of the most anticipated fights in Record of Ragnarok, and it will surely be a close one.

Record of Ragnarok: Who is Qin Shi Huang and what is his curse?
Hades in Record of Ragnarok | Image courtesy of VIZ Media

What are his main strengths and abilities?

Now that we know who Qin Shi Huang is, let’s see what he can do-

  • Mirror Touch Synesthesia: Qin Shi Huang has a condition known as Mirror Touch Synesthesia, which means that he can feel the pain of others as if it were his own. This gives him a unique advantage in battle, as he can anticipate his opponent’s moves and react accordingly.
  • Immense Strength: He is incredibly strong, even without the Völundr. He was able to break through the walls of Valhalla with his bare hands, and he can easily lift and throw objects many times his size.
Record of Ragnarok: Who is Qin Shi Huang and what is his curse?
Hades in Record of Ragnarok | Image courtesy of Warner Bros. Japan
  • Superhuman Speed: He is also incredibly fast, able to move faster than the eye can see. This allows him to dodge attacks and land his blows with devastating force.
  • Master Tactician: He is a brilliant strategist and tactician. He can quickly assess the situation and come up with a plan to defeat his opponent. This makes him a very dangerous opponent, as he is not only strong and fast but also very intelligent.

What is Qin Shi Huang’s curse?

Record of Ragnarok: Who is Qin Shi Huang and what is his curse?
Hades in Record of Ragnarok | Image courtesy of Warner Bros. Japan

As mentioned earlier, the Mirror Touch Synesthesia is Qin Shi Huang’s greatest ability but it is also a curse. This means that he can feel the pain of others as if it were his own. This gives him a unique advantage in battle, as he can anticipate his opponent’s moves and react accordingly. However, it also means that he is constantly in pain, as he is always feeling the pain of the people around him.

The curse is said to have originated from the Battle of Changping, where Qin Shi Huang’s forces massacred 450,000 Zhao soldiers. The sheer amount of suffering and death that Qin Shi Huang witnessed at that battle caused his Mirror Touch Synesthesia to manifest.

The curse has also been said to be a punishment from the gods for Qin Shi Huang’s ruthlessness and ambition. However, Qin Shi Huang himself believes that the curse is a blessing, as it allows him to understand the pain of others and to rule them more effectively. Despite the negative consequences, Qin Shi Huang has shown no signs of wanting to be rid of the curse.

In conclusion, Qin Shi Huang is a very powerful and dangerous opponent. He is strong, fast, intelligent, and has a unique ability that gives him an edge in battle. An ability that was a curse once but he seems to have morphed it into a part of himself and believes that it makes him a better ruler. His battle against Hades will surely be one of the most exciting fights in Record of Ragnarok, so be sure to stream it on Netflix.


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