Saint Seiya by Masami Kurumada has established itself as one of the most popular anime-manga series. Inspiring famed authors like Tite Kubo, winning awards, and getting a Netflix reboot years after its release, the franchise has a successful track record under its name.
But one problem that always pops up with successful franchises is the complex watch order. Similarly, with Saint Seiya, only one thing can stop you from picking up the series, the complicated watch order. Worry not! Here’s the complete watch order and reading order for the anime and manga.Â
Saint Seiya watch order
The Saint Seiya anime loosely follows the manga with a lot of filler content. The movies can be watched anytime as they don’t fit directly into the storyline. The list mentions the number of episodes after which you can watch a movie. The correct watch order for watching the anime is as follows:
1. Saint Seiya 1986, Galaxy arc (Episode 1-41)
2. Saint Seiya: Evil Goddess Eris (Movie 1)
 3. Sanctuary arc (Episode 42-73)
4. Saint Seiya: The Heated Battle of Gods (Movie 2)
 5. Asgard arc ( Episode 74- 99)
6. Poseidon arc ( Episode 100-114)
7. Saint Seiya: Legend of Crimson Youth (Movie3)
8. Saint Seiya: Warrior of the Final Holy Battle (Movie 4)
9. Hades arc (Episode 115-145)
10. Saint Seiya: Heaven Chapter Overture (Movie 5)
11. Saint Seiya: The lost canvasÂ
12. Saint Seiya Omega
13. Saint Seiya: Legend of Sanctuary
14. Saint Seiya: Soul of Gold
15. Saint Seiya: Knights of the Zodiac
The Lost Canvas is also the prequel but watching it afterwards is recommended as it’s superior in quality. Watching it before the anime will ruin the overall experience. You can leave out the movies or watch them as and when you please. The order just states where the movies fit the best.Â
Saint Seiya: Correct manga order
The reading order is comparatively simpler, there’s the original manga with the sequel next dimension. The next dimension is both a sequel and a prequel to the series. Still reading the original manga first is suggested, as it explains a lot of important details.
All the other manga except for Origin, Destiny, and Next Dimension are spin-offs. They’re written and illustrated by different people and not Masami Kurumada.
1. Saint Seiya manga
2. Saint Seiya Next Dimension (Direct sequel to the original manga)
3. Saint Seiya Origin and DestinyÂ
There are some spin-off series that don’t require you to follow an order. The spin-off series is as follows:
1. Saint Seiya Episode G series
2. Saint Seiya Saintia sho
3. Saint Seiya The Lost Canvas
4. Saint Seiya Dark wing
The anime and manga have some stark differences between them, so if you’re a fan it’s recommended to experience each form individually. If you prefer one over the other then the order mentioned above will help you through the confusion and you’re good to go.Â