Alongside its captivating story and narrative, the Homunculi in Fullmetal Alchemist was one of the most unique and interesting groups of villains in all of anime. Not only were they bizarre and powerful, but they also had interesting personalities and quirks. Here are the most powerful Homunculi in Full Metal Alchemist ranked.
The most powerful Homunculi in Fullmetal Alchemist ranked
8. Lust
While Lust might be at the bottom of the list, her abilities are nothing to scoff at. Just like the others, her regenerative abilities make her bothersome to deal with, and her unique ability ‘Ultimate Spear‘, can cut through almost anything. While not the best choice for direct combat, she’s excellent at covert ops.
7. Envy
Envy is a shapeshifter who can transform into any animal or object at will. While this might not sound impressive at first glance, this lets him utilize various stealth and camouflage tactics for infiltration and espionage. His true form turns him into a literal monster, vastly increasing his powers.
6. Gluttony
Gluttony, as his name suggests, is consumed by an infinite, insatiable hunger. Alongside his impressive regenerative abilities, he has an excellent sense of smell and can easily identify the components of whatever he consumes, which usually has no limits thanks to his special enzymes.
5. Sloth
Sloth is a complete battle monster with a full focus on physical combat. Contrary to his name, he’s insanely fast and also extremely durable, being able to tear down walls with absolute ease. Still, he is uncoordinated, clumsy, and slow-witted and his regenerative capabilities aren’t exceptional.
4. Greed
Greed’s ability ‘UltimateShield’ makes him one of the most versatile and efficient combatants out of all the Homunculus. He has total control over all the carbon atoms in his body and can clad himself in indestructible armor. But skilled Alchemists can perform transmutation on his skin, turning it brittle.
3. Wrath
King Bradley, the Homunculus Wrath is one of the most dangerous Homonculus to deal with and is often considered as the strongest of them. While his physical capabilities are amazing, what truly makes him a menace is his unique ability of precognition, thanks to his ‘Ultimate Eye‘.
2. Pride
Selim Bradley might look like a harmless little kid on the outside, but in reality, he is Pride, the first homunculus created by Father. Selim’s body is just a container for pride that hides his true diabolical nature. He can control a very powerful multi-eyed multi-mouth shadowy form resembling Father’s true form.
1. Father
As the creator of all the other Homunculi, Father stands at the pinnacle of their species, and his strengths are rivaled by no other Homunculus. Father seems to have multiple ‘Forms’, making him an extremely versatile and dangerous foe to deal with. After absorbing the entity beyond the Gate, he also gained the powers of God.
While they might possess varying degrees of utilities and powers, each of the Homunculi played a very crucial role in the story of Fullmetal Alchemist, and many of them are considered to be one of the best-written antagonists in all of fiction. Although, some of these might be different in the non-canon anime version. For more such lists, stay with Spiel Anime.