The heartwarming anime series “Welcome Home” (based on the manga “Tadaima, Okaeri” by Ichikawa Ichi and serialized in “Omegaverse Project” by Fusion Product) continues to chronicle the daily life of the Fujiyoshi family. The synopsis and preview image cuts for Welcome Home episode 9, titled “Tomato and the Child,” offer a glimpse into what awaits viewers. Since its premiere on April 8, 2024, the anime has been praised for its wholesome portrayal of a same-sex couple experiencing parenthood which is very rare in anime.
Welcome Home Episode 9 synopsis
On their usual outing to the park, Mao and Teru meet Aoto Mochizuki and Mitsuru, who live with their father. They are Omegas and have just moved to the town. Mochizuki feels a closeness to Mao, saying, “My late wife was also an Omega, and she has a similar vibe to you.” Mao is also happy that Teru has made a friend his own age, and as this is the first time he has met a child of his kind, he feels that he wants to help him in some way. Then, he learns that Mochizuki is having trouble finding someone to look after Mitsuru…
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Where to watch Welcome Home episode 9
The following table shows the popular broadcast channels and streaming platforms for “Welcome Home” episode 9, along with their respective premiere times in JST and other time zones:
Channel/Platform | JST (Japan Standard Time) | PST (Pacific Standard Time) | EST (Eastern Standard Time) | UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) |
TOKYO MX | June 10, 0:30 | June 10, 8:30 | June 10, 11:30 | June 10, 16:30 |
Animax | June 15, 23:00 | June 15, 15:00 | June 15, 18:00 | June 16, 0:00 |
Amazon Prime Video | June 14, 0:30 | June 14, 8:30 | June 14, 11:30 | June 14, 16:30 |
YouTube | June 14, 0:30 | June 14, 8:30 | June 14, 11:30 | June 14, 16:30 |
Hulu | June 14, 0:30 | June 14, 8:30 | June 14, 11:30 | June 14, 16:30 |
Note: The broadcast date and time may be subject to change.
About the Welcome Home Anime
Welcome Home also known as Tadaima Okaeri is a collaborative effort between several talented individuals. The original manga is by Ichikawa Ichi, while Ishihira Shinji directs the anime adaptation. Nakamura Yoshiko handles series composition, Osawa Mina brings the characters to life with her designs, and Studio Deen takes care of the animation.
The story revolves around Fujiyoshi Mao, a former career man who becomes a stay-at-home husband after marrying his love, Hiroshi. They have a son named Teru, who is about to turn two, and the family has recently moved to a suburban town. Mao initially struggled with societal prejudice surrounding their non-traditional family structure. He experiences moments of anxiety and sadness, but with unwavering support from Hiroshi and Teru, he gradually finds his footing. The anime portrays the heartwarming journey of the Fujiyoshi family as they build a strong and loving bond together.