Baki is a well-known manga series written by Itagaki Keisuki. The Baki manga series recently marked the end of its fifth series on June 15, 2023. The recent official announcement has revealed that a new Baki manga will return as its sixth manga series, and it will be released in August 2023. Moreover, the sixth instalment of the franchise has been titled Baki Rahen. It will start serialization in the Weekly Shounen Champion issue 39/2023.
What is the history and story of Baki manga?
Baki manga began serialization in 1991 when Itagaki Keisuki introduced this titular character as a man who set out to train his superhuman fighting skills. The series recently completed the serialization of the fifth instalment, and a sixth instalment is on the racks. Baki Hanma is a teenager, who possesses innate physical strength and it is his story and his test against all human odds in battle.
Baki is a teenager who is motivated to train his body in an extraordinarily extensive manner until he reaches a point where he is the strongest of all. He, therefore, tests his fighting skills in not just the traditional form. He chooses to fight brutal opponents, in a no-rule, deadly hand-to-hand combat style. This makes Baki an interesting battle-arena action to enjoy, making it a popular read primarily among the young audience.
What will the Baki Rahen manga be about?
Fans of Baki actually thought that the manga ended with the fifth instalment. However, further announcements lit up quite a few conversations revolving around the possible plot of Baki Rahen manga. However, since there are no official announcements regarding the plot, we can expect to see Baki in a new light, and as a return of the titular character to finally offer a resolution to the entire plot.
The actual etymology of the word Rahen is still unclear, and therefore, to predict anything otherwise would be a fool’s approach. Several fan discussions across Reddit and Twitter also suggest that the upcoming Baki Rahen manga will be focusing on the titular character and that it will be a final plot resolution, rather than stretching the Baki Duo series.
When is the New Baki manga releasing and where will it be serialized?
The sixth series of the Baki manga will be released on August 24, 2023. It will most likely be focusing on Baki’s final steps to mark the end of the entire plot. But, it could also be the case that the upcoming Baki instalment might not see any shed of light which relates it to the previous series, and might just possibly be a completely different story altogether.
New "Baki" Manga Series will be titled "Baki Rahen" and start in Weekly Shounen Champion issue 39/2023 out August 24.
The series by Itagaki Keisuke will get one of the rare manga covers for Weekly Shounen Champion & Lead Color Page too.
— Manga Mogura RE (@MangaMoguraRE) August 8, 2023
- Baki manga’s sixth installment which has been titled Baki Rahen will be serialized in the Weekly Shounen Champion in its 39/2023 issue.
- Moreover, the serialization has kept fans waiting in anticipation, as it has been expected that the upcoming series will only add further to the beautiful and intricate storyline of Baki.
The Baki manga series is well known for its beautifully motivated storyline. The character acts as the perfect inspiration for young audiences, and therefore it has become a huge sensation over the years. Some long-term fans do believe that the story has been stretched too far, but there is another faction that chooses to believe otherwise. Therefore, it can only be assumed that Baki Rahen manga will be the final addition to wrap up the life of Baki Hanma.