Tite Kubo’s manga series “Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War” concludes with the last arc, “Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War.” The plot revolves around the conflict between the Shinigami and the Wandenreich, a Quincy organization led by Yhwach, and features violent battles and a vast cast of new and old faces.
This arc witnesses the introduction of many new characters, including formidable Quincy fighters who pose an imminent risk to the Soul Society. The Quincy are a race of humans who have the capacity to sense and manipulate Reishi, which are the particles that make up spiritual energy, in order to perform supernatural skills.
The Quincy have a long record of bitter past with the Shinigami, who are in charge of keeping the balance between the human and spirit worlds with often leads to a series of battles grasping for more power above the other. To understand the full extent of their power, here is a ranking of the top 10 Quincy in Bleach Thousand Year Blood Wars–
10. Quilge Opie:
He possesses the ability to create “Jail”, a cube-shaped prison that can trap opponents indefinitely. He is a skilled fighter and is particularly good at using his Quincy powers for defensive purposes.
9. As Nodt:
Nodt wields a Quincy power known as “The Fear” which allows him to make his opponents frightened by making their fears and dreams seem like reality to them, causing their powers to weaken and their movements to slow down.
8. Cang Du:
He has the “Iron” Schrift, which allows him to transform his skin into almost indestructible iron armor. He fights with a pair of enormous, curved swords that may reach vast lengths and is surely a terrifying sight to behold on the battlefields.
7. Lille Barro: He possesses a unique Quincy power, which allows him to transform his body into a deadly weapon. He is also highly skilled in the use of firearms and is able to fire powerful energy blasts from his rifle. He is cunning and tactical when it comes to the battlefield and is able to take on multiple opponents at once whilst preparing counter-attacks at the same time.Â
6. Bazz-B: He possesses the “Burner Finger” talent, which allows him to manipulate and produce flames using his fingertips. He is also a childhood friend of the series’ protagonist, Ichigo Kurosaki, and has a long-standing feud with Jugram Haschwalth, another Sternritter. Throughout the series, we see his loyalty waver as he struggles to choose between his comrades and Ichigo.
5. Askin Nakk Le Vaar: He is capable of manipulating and controlling fatal dosages of any chemical, whether a medicine or a poison. He carries the letter “D” for “Death Dealing” as a Sternritter. He has the ability to raise or reduce the toxicity of any material in his presence, as well as render himself immune to even the most lethal toxins.
4. Gerard Valkyrie: He possesses “The Miracle” power, which allows him to convert any harm he absorbs into power and become stronger with each strike. As a result, he becomes nearly invincible and has the ability to recover from any harm. He is notoriously famous for his unflinching devotion to Yhwach and his strong sense of justice.
3. Uryu Ishida: He is introduced as a rival to the main character, Ichigo Kurosaki because both of them have the ability to see and converse with spirits. Uryu regards Soul Reapers like Ichigo as enemies, blaming them for his grandfather’s death, who was also a Quincy. His trademark weapon is a Seele Schneider bow that he can use to harness spiritual energy and fire arrows.
2. Jugram Haschwalth:Â Jugram is the main leader’s right-hand man and a member of the Sternritter. Jugram’s Schrift power is “B,” “The Balance,” which enables him to transfer fortune among others, bestowing either good or bad fortune. He is a quiet, calculated man who is deeply loyal to Yhwach and obeys his commands without thinking twice.
1. Yhwach: Taking the throne as the main antagonist, he founded and led the Wandenreich, a Quincy faction. Yhwach is portrayed as a powerful and vicious individual who can see into the future and absorb the energies of others. He is also known as the “Soul King” and has the ability to bestow or take away the skills of others. His purpose in life is to restore the Quincy race to its splendor and overthrow the Shinigami, who he views as corrupt and worthless spiritual rulers.