Will we get a love confession from Takaya in My Love Story with Yamada-Kun at Lv999 Chapter 103?

Takaya in My Love Story with Yamada Kun at Lv999 manga

The Love Story with Yamada-Kun might turn into a love story with Takaya-Kun in My Love Story with Yamada-Kun at Lv999 Chapter 103. In the latest chapter of the manga, we caught a glimpse of Takaya’s past. Along with his rocky relationship with everyone around him including Akane.

The chapter ended with Akane and Takaya running into each other. Will Takaya finally confess his feelings to Akane? How will things turn out at the festival with both Takaya and Yamada present? Let’s find out!

Will we get a love confession from Takaya in My Love Story with Yamada-Kun at Lv999 Chapter 103?

My Love Story with Yamada-Kun at Lv999 Chapter 103
Kaede asks Takaya to give up on Akane | Image Courtesy of Mangamo and Comic Smart

Everyone is going to be present at the Summer Festival including Akane’s family, Yamada, and Takaya. We saw Takaya and Akane running into each other at the end of chapter 102 in My Love Story with Yamada Kun at Lv99. In case we get a confession from Takaya it’ll probably be out of desperation. He wasn’t planning on making a move on Akane before Yamada was in the picture.

Keeping in mind how drama-free the relationship between Yamada and Akane has been so far, a proper confession will probably stir things up in an overly dramatic way. Instead here’s what might happen between them: 

  • Yamada decided to go to the Summer Festival despite knowing that Takaya would also be present there. He’s probably going there to understand the situation better. We already know that he trusts Akane. We might get a conversation between the two guys as they both care about Akane first and foremost. 
Yamada in My Love story with Yamada Kun manga
Yamada and Akane’s dad | Image Courtesy of Comic Smart and Mangamo
  • A conversation like that will help them get some reassurance. Takaya will know that Akane is in a good relationship as we have seen him voicing his concerns as to what kind of guy is Yamada. Yamada will learn the dynamics between Akane and Takaya better after meeting him. 
  • As good as it sounds, a conversation between Akane and Takaya will be more apt. Yamada won’t intervene unless Akane needs him to. In this way, Akane can convey her romantic feelings for Yamada and platonic ones for Takaya. 

Takaya has spent a lot of time with Akane as her friend. Even without words if he witnesses the kind of relationship the couple shares he’ll probably back off on his own. 

The best way forward for Takaya and Akane…

Takaya and Akane
Takaya’s flashback | Image Courtesy of Comic Smart and Mangamo

Even if we don’t get a love confession from Takaya, a conversation between him and Akane might be needed now more than ever. We’ve seen how Takaya didn’t have the most friendly environment back at home.  He fell off with Akane in the worst way possible during the bike incident. He has been feeling guilty over it ever since.

Akane never blamed him or held him responsible for the accident. At the same time, her guardians were pretty harsh with him. Akane and Takaya probably won’t get anywhere as lovers, but they should clear all their misunderstandings as friends. It’ll also help Takaya in getting a closure to move on finally. 


Yamada and Akane
Akane and Yamada in her hometown | Image Courtesy of Comic Smart and Mangamo

Both Yamada and Akane have been quite mature in their relationship. We know for a fact that they’ll probably get through everything together. The only reason we have any doubts this time around is because Takaya is a precious friend to Akane.

Similar to how the Spiel Anime newsletter is precious to us. And we present all that preciousness to you twice a week in cool designs with all things anime. No matter how things unfold in the upcoming chapter, Yamada and Akane will probably clear this level as well with a higher ranking than ever. 

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