The Classroom for Heroes anime is a coming-of-age anime following the story of Arnest Flaming, the top student at Rosewood Academy, an elite school for heroes-in-training. One day, a new transfer student arrives at the academy, a boy named Blade who seems to be equal in power to Arnest. This creates a flurry in the Academy as the scales of power tip. Arnest is tasked with supervising Blade during his stay at the academy, and the two of them quickly become rivals.
Arnest and Blade belong in the advance class or top grade in the Academy. Rosewood Academy students are renowned around the country, as the academy’s prestigious reputation is highly reckoned throughout the country. Its goal is to cultivate and train heroes who shall protect the human race one day. The top students befitting of the title train in the advanced class. There are 9 classes in the Classroom for Heroes-
The Classes in Classroom for Heroes
- Swordsman is a balanced class that excels in both attack and defense. They are proficient in using swords and other close-range weapons.
- Archer is a ranged class that specializes in dealing damage from a distance. They are proficient in using bows and arrows.
- Mage is a magic class that specializes in using elemental magic. They are proficient in using spells to attack, heal, and buff allies.
- Cleric is a support class that specializes in healing and buffing allies. They are proficient in using healing magic and support skills.
- Thief is a stealthy class that specializes in dealing damage from behind enemy lines. They are proficient in using daggers and other weapons that can be used for sneak attacks.
- Beastmaster is a class that can control and fight alongside beasts. They are proficient in using whips and other weapons that can be used to control beasts.
- Gunner is a ranged class that specializes in using guns and other ranged weapons. They are proficient in using guns and other ranged weapons.
How strong is the Advance Class?
Advance is a class that combines the strengths of all other classes, which is more than enough to say that they are proficient in all ways imaginable. They are proficient in using a variety of weapons and magic. The most famous Top Grades are-
1. Arnest Flaming
As the top student of the academy, Arnest is said to be powerful enough to outmatch a professor. This is proven in the tournament when she defeated several students along with Sophitia Femto, sustaining only very minor injuries. However, it was later proven by Blade that she was heavily fatigued. Also, as a member of the House of Flaming, Arnest has an iron will, which she developed to resist the demon sword’s curse and keep it in check. This was further proven when her strong resolve helped free her from the swords’ curse and put it under her control.
2. Blade
Even though only a glimpse of his power has been revealed so far in the trailer, Blade is frightfully powerful, although not having the appearance to support it. Using only one arm, he’s capable of taking down a dragon. It was also stated that he is so ridiculously powerful, the type of sword he uses does not matter.
He is also very quick, as seen in his initial encounter with Arnest, despite the latter having a power boost from the demon’s aura. Blade also possesses sharp eyesight, capable of seeing anything exceptionally clear. He can even see clearly up to 10 kilometers ahead. He seems to have some mastery with swords as he’s seen carrying one on his back all the time and actually using one before, being capable of taking down a magical armor with a sword he has never used before quite easily.
3. Sophitia Femto
Sophitia is a versatile combatant, able to fight on even terms with Arnest. As a Top-Grade student, she is a highly skilled fighter compared to lower grades. She also packs a grief amount of destructive power, as her clash with Arnest created a massive crater around them. She’s also gifted with excellent durability, capable of fighting Arnest on even grounds for an extended amount of time as well as taking a direct energy ball from Arnest with minor injuries.
In conclusion, the Advance Class or Top Grade in the Academy are unrivaled heroes and consistent with their own sets of power that go beyond the level of others. You can watch the anime here and see them in action.