Am I Actually the Strongest anime premiered on July 2, 2023. While much of this anticipation is a result of the isekai novel series by Sai Sumimori and illustrated by Ai Takahashi, the fame is also coming from the widespread popularity of the manga’s adaptation itself.
The story follows the life of a shut-in protagonist who is reincarnated as Hart Zenfis in a new world. The themes of reincarnation and rebirth are trending in this age and therefore this is a good recommendation for those who love the genre.
Am I Actually the Strongest Anime – What is the story about?
It is the story of Haruto, born in a magically dominant world. Having reincarnated in this world demands him to possess at least the said amount of magical power, but he is found to be ridiculously low in magical possessions. His royal parents thus abandon him and he is left to survive in this gruesome world all alone.
Little did anyone know, the socially reclusive shut-in is actually a mage with tremendous magical strength, which is basically off the charts! We see Haruto navigate his way through a life of demon friendships, royal feuds, secret identities, assassinations, and a cute little sister!
Is Am I Actually the Strongest Anime worth the watch – what do fans say?
Fans are divided into two factions when it comes to the review of the first episode of Am I Actually the Strongest anime. While some believe that this anime is clearly a justifiable piece to the manga, some believe that this is just another generic isekai with painfully generic content to offer.
Many fans believe that the absurdity of the anime is actually funny and entertaining. They believe that the designs and the characters are dull and dusty, and it is only another AI-generated rip-off with a weak deal to offer. But personally, I would recommend that Am I Actually the Strongest anime should be watched before making any judgments based on opinions. It is because the show might be amateur and generic, but then the genre of isekai is nothing but a repetitive genre to go back to.
Should you watch Am I Actually the Strongest anime?
I would suggest that Am I Actually the Strongest anime should be watched by everyone who is in love with isekai. The show is flawed and rusty, and most of the story is just another reflected image of some other isekai plot.
But the fact that isekai keeps thriving even after all of its limitations gives us a reason to watch it even more. Besides, there’s this usual scent of already successful Anime like Jobless Reincarnation.
The comedy and the comic timing of the plot are seriously at fault. It doesn’t set any bar, it doesn’t even try to create anything new. But the fact that this anime has given up on those expectations and has chosen to deliver whatever it feels like delivering gives us an example of the power of choice and the power to create.
Am I Actually the Strongest anime is just another isekai with a plot about reincarnation, rebirth, magic, and all of the other absurdity. But this stands out in the sense that the main character Haruto doesn’t want to have a life of adventure or get rid of evil. All he wants he to be a shut-in, and his lazy life back!