All Satou’s Love Interests Ranked in Tales of Wedding Rings

All Satou's Love Interests Ranked in Tales of Wedding Rings

Ah, love in another world! Tales of Wedding Rings throws our protagonist, Satou, into a whirlwind of adventure and romance, surrounded by a bevy of stunning and fierce women – each vying for his heart, or at least, a place on his finger (ring, that is). But who reigns supreme in the hierarchy of Satou’s affections? Let’s dive into the magical world of Nokanatika and rank his leading ladies, exploring their charms and contributions to his epic journey.

All Satou’s Love Interests Ranked in Tales of Wedding Rings

5. Saphir Maasa

Saphir Maasa in Tales of Wedding Rings Manga in Tales of the Wedding Rings Manga
Saphir Maasa in Tales of Wedding Rings Manga in Tales of  Wedding Rings Manga (Image via Square Enix)

Saphir is one of the twin princesses of Maasa and is driven by duty rather than romantic inclinations. She becomes the Ring Princess only to save her country from external influence. Despite wielding a great deal of magic powers, Saphir possesses a laid-back personality. She always seems to be detached from the emotional turmoil surrounding her.

While she accepts her role as Satou’s wife, her feelings remain somewhat ambiguous, often veiled by her nonchalant demeanor. This quality makes her a fascinating addition to the harem, however her real feelings seem underdeveloped.

4. Nephrites Lomka

Nephrites Lomka in Tales of Wedding Rings Manga
Nephrites Lomka in Tales of Wedding Rings Manga (Image via Square Enix)

Nephrites is the Elf Princess of Romka, presenting a contrast of delicate beauty and hidden resilience. Elfa had been raised in seclusion and conditioned to fear the outside world, due to which her initial interactions with Satou are marked by shyness. Yet, within her lies a powerful connection to the Ring of Wind, which she ultimately liberates by breaking the petrified forms of her parents. This act of courage along with her growing affection for Satou, leads her to join him as his second wife. 

3. Amber

Amber in Tales of Wedding Rings Manga
Amber in Tales of Wedding Rings Manga (Image via Square Enix)

Amber is a construct created from the DNA of the lost Dwarven princess. Transported to Earth centuries ago, she resides as a divine being in Satou’s hometown, waiting patiently for her purpose to be fulfilled. When danger threatens Satou and his wives, Amber offers him her Ring of Earth and loyalty. Unlike others, her love doesn’t require development; it exists at a constant, limitless level. While her artificial nature might raise questions about the conventional theories of love, Amber makes Satou’s relationships even more interesting.

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2. Granart Needakitta

Granart Needakitta in Tales of Wedding Rings Manga
Granart Needakitta in Tales of Wedding Rings Manga (Image via Square Enix)

Granart, the Princess of Needakitta, is a mix of ferocity and vulnerability. As the keeper of the Ring of Fire and the strongest warrior in her tribe, she initially dismisses Satou as unfit for the Ring King role. However, there is a yearning for true connection to Satou beneath her tough exterior. Satou’s genuine kindness gradually chips away at her skepticism and eventually leads her to fall deeply in love. While her initial motive might have been to fulfill her duty, Granart’s love for Satou evolves into a powerful bond, fueled by both passion and respect.

1. Krystal Novaty Nokanatika

Krystal Novaty Nokanatika in Tales of Wedding Rings Manga
Krystal Novaty Nokanatika in Tales of Wedding Rings Manga (Image via Square Enix)

Krystal, the Second Princess of Nokanatika, also known as Hime, stands as Satou’s first encounter with love. They met together when they both were 6, and since then she has remained his anchor.

  • Despite having to marry the rest of the four girls, Satou has always been more leaning towards his first wife. 
  • Satou has always been firm about marrying her and every time and then he has been loyal to her. 

As the ruler of the Ring of Light and protector of her kingdom, Krystal has both fiery passion and huge devotion for her kingdom. Though challenges and trials await, Krystal’s love and strength make her the undeniable queen of Satou’s heart and the best women in this harem anime.


Ultimately, ranking love is a futile exercise in an Ecchi anime. Each of Satou’s wives brings unique qualities and strengths to the table, enriching the show and making it worth a watch. So, instead of ranking, let us celebrate the beauty of their diverse expressions of love, a testament to the richness of human (or elf, or cat-eared) emotions. And who knows, perhaps amidst the trials and tribulations to come, new contenders for Satou’s heart might lean on, further expanding the vibrant universe of Satou’s Harem.

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