Is Burn the Witch #0.8 worth watching?

Is Burn the Witch #0.8 worth watching?

Despite its questionable fillers and Bankai-sized flaws, Bleach holds a regal spot in anime history. So, when 2020 brought a 20th-anniversary spinoff set in London’s Soul Society branch, anticipation crackled like static through wires. Enter Burn the Witch #0.8, a short film tasked with igniting hype for the manga but leaving us with more questions than dragon scales.

A Flipped London Setting- Burn the Witch #0.8 Goes Over to the Other Side

Is Burn the Witch #0.8 worth watching?
Burn the Witch #0.8 | Image via TMDB

Imagine two Londons: Front, where Double Deckers dominate and selfies reign supreme, and Reverse, where dragons strut their scaly stuff and pose a genuine threat. Enter the witches, sleek spell-casters tasked with keeping these feathery fiends in check. This is Ninny Spangcole’s world, a pop star by day, a dragon slayer by night (in reverse, obviously). Partnered with the cool-headed Noel Niihashi, they navigate a world as stylish as it is confusing.

Is Burn the Witch #0.8 worth watching?
Burn the Witch #0.8 | Image via TMDB

Burn the Witch is short, barely an hour’s flight on a broomstick. Ideas flit past like cherry blossoms in a hurricane: dragon-infused humans, magic spray-painted like street art, and a plot that splits like a forked tongue. World-building feels like a half-baked croissant – tantalizing but ultimately unsatisfying. We glimpse the potential, but the rules and lore remain shrouded in smoke and dragon fire.

Is Burn the Witch #0.8 worth watching?
Burn the Witch #0.8 | Image via TMDB

But hold on, there’s magic in these Londons! The animation is a stunning tapestry woven with vibrant colors and fluid movement. Characters, like Ninny in her scarlet coat and Noel in her emerald elegance, are eye candy personified. Their contrasting personalities – Ninny, ambitious and fiery, Noel, stoic and pragmatic – spark like flint and steel, promising future fireworks.

The main plot unfolds like a tangled skein. We have Balgo Parks, a dragon-touched oddball, and Macy’s runaway dragon pet, both causing chaos in their unique ways. The threads intertwine, but the climax feels rushed, leaving the ending dangling like a forgotten charm.

Is it Worth Your Time?

Is Burn the Witch #0.8 worth watching?
Burn the Witch #0.8 | Image via TMDB

Is Burn the Witch worth your time? It’s a whimsical whirlwind, beautiful and confusing in equal measure. Characters and visuals dazzle, while the story stumbles over its own complexity. If you’re a Bleach die-hard, you’ll find easter eggs galore and a satisfying glimpse into a new corner of the universe. For newcomers, it’s a tantalizing appetizer, leaving you hungry for more of the world and its captivating residents.

Ultimately, Burn the Witch #0.8 is a “read the manga” film in more ways than one. It throws open the door to a fascinating world but leaves you holding the dusty instruction manual. Still, the glimpse inside is enough to spark curiosity, enough to make you eager to dive deeper into the pages of the ongoing manga. So, grab your broomstick and prepare for a wild ride – just don’t expect a smooth landing.


Is Burn the Witch #0.8 worth watching?
Burn the Witch #0.8 | Image via TMDB

Verdict: Worth a quick watch, but prepare for more questions than answers. And maybe read the manga afterward – it might explain what dragons have for lunch.

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