Could Erwin rival Hitler in speeches?

Could Erwin rival Hitler in speeches

The power of a compelling speech can shape history, inspire the masses, and leave an indelible mark on the collective consciousness. Adolf Hitler, the infamous dictator who led Nazi Germany, was known for his charismatic and persuasive oratory skills.

On the other hand, Erwin Smith from Attack on Titan also possessed remarkable leadership qualities and delivered impactful speeches within the context of the story. Could Erwin rival Hitler in speeches? Let’s find out.

Erwin Smith and Adolf Hitler

Could Erwin rival Hitler in speeches
Image Courtesy of Studio Mappa

As the Commander of the Survey Corps, Erwin was tasked with leading humanity’s last stand against the Titans that were threatening their existence within the walls of their city. Erwin’s speeches often served to rally his troops, inspire hope, and remind them of their mission to reclaim their freedom.

The Dark Dictator Adolf Hitler, on the other hand, needs no introduction. As the leader of Nazi Germany from 1934 to 1945, he was responsible for numerous atrocities, including the Holocaust. Hitler’s speeches, often infused with propaganda, played a significant role in his rise to power and the indoctrination of millions.

Context and Intent

Erwin’s speeches were rooted in a desperate struggle for survival. He aimed to motivate his troops, reminding them of their duty and the importance of their mission. Hitler’s speeches, on the other hand, were driven by a sinister agenda of conquest, racial supremacy, and the propagation of hateful ideologies. In terms of intent and context, Erwin’s speeches carried a morally just cause.

  • Both Erwin and Hitler employed rhetorical devices to sway their audiences. Erwin’s speeches featured appeals to camaraderie, sacrifice, and shared purpose. He often acknowledged the risks and sacrifices made by his soldiers.
  • Hitler, conversely, utilized fear, scapegoating, and false promises in his speeches. His propaganda machine was masterful but fueled by hatred.

Could Erwin rival Hitler in speeches?

Could Erwin rival Hitler in speeches
Image Courtesy of Jewish Virtual Library

Hitler’s speeches had a profound impact on the course of history, leading to the devastation of World War II and the Holocaust. Erwin’s speeches inspired the soldiers of the Survey Corps to face insurmountable odds and advance humanity’s cause.

  • While their impact was significant within their respective contexts, Erwin’s speeches aimed at unity and survival, whereas Hitler’s speeches fueled division and destruction.
  • Erwin’s speeches were ethically grounded, emphasizing the value of human life and freedom. Hitler’s speeches, in contrast, promoted genocidal ideologies and contributed to the suffering of millions.
  • Ethically speaking, Erwin’s speeches upheld principles of justice and freedom, whereas Hitler’s speeches were a tool for oppression and hate.


While both Erwin Smith and Adolf Hitler were known for their abilities to deliver compelling speeches, the stark contrast lies in their intentions, impact, and ethical considerations. Erwin Smith’s speeches were motivated by a just cause, rallying soldiers for the survival of humanity against existential threats. Adolf Hitler’s speeches, unfortunately, were instrumental in the propagation of hatred, discrimination, and violence on an unprecedented scale.

In a moral and historical sense, Erwin Smith’s speeches can never rival Hitler’s, as the former was a beacon of hope, while the latter left a dark stain on human history. However, if you are on the lookout for a similar impactful source of refreshing infotainment, try subscribing to our newsletter.

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