Miyo Saimori, a young woman is married off to Kiyoka Kudou, the head of a prestigious family of gifted individuals with supernatural abilities in My Happy Marriage, a Japanese romantic anime series. Despite initially being shunned by her father and stepmother for not possessing any such abilities herself, Miyo’s life takes an unexpected turn when she discovers that she possesses a secret ability of her own, known as Dream Sight.
Dream Sight
Dream Sight is a unique and powerful supernatural ability that allows Miyo to enter the dreams of any sleeping person, including her own, and manipulate their vision. It also allows her to see into the past and future, and even alter it through her dreams. Dream Sight is widely regarded as the most powerful Gift among the many supernatural abilities showcased in My Happy Marriage.
All the Other Supernatural Abilities in My Happy Marriage
In addition to Dream Sight, there are many other supernatural abilities that exist in the world of My Happy Marriage. Some of the most common Gifts include:
- Telekinesis: The ability to move objects with the mind. The known users are Minoru Tatsuishi, Kazushi Tatsuishi, and Kouji Tatsuishi.
- Pyrokinesis: The ability to control fire. The known users are Kiyoka Kudou, Minoru Tatsuishi, and Yoshito Godou.
- Electrokinesis: The ability to control electricity. The known users are Kiyoka Kudou and Tadakiyo Kudou.
- Hallucinokinesis: The ability to create illusions. The known users are Arata Usuba and some Special Anti-Grotesquerie Unit members.
- Healing: The ability to heal injuries and illnesses. The known users are Hazuki Kudou and Fuyu Kudou.
- Sealing: The ability to restrict or block someone’s Gift. The known users are Sumi Saimori and Kiyoka Kudou.
- Aerokinesis: The ability to control the wind. The known users are Minoru Tatsuishi and Tadakiyo Kudou.
- Hydrokinesis: The ability to control water. The known users are Houjou and Kiyoka Kudou.
- Spirit Sight: The ability to see and communicate with spirits. The majority of the Gifted have this ability.
- Share Sight: The ability to receive sight from things. The known users are Minoru Tatsuishi and Kaya Saimori.
- Dispelling: The ability to dispel curses and other magical effects. The only user is Kazushi Tatsuishi.
- Divine Revelation: The ability to recognize disasters in advance. The known users are the Emperor and Takaihito.
- Flyrokinesis: The ability to create and manipulate force fields. The known users are Kiyoka Kudou, Minoru Tatsuishi, Shinichi Saimori, Arata Usuba, Yoshito Godou, Special Anti-Grotesquerie Unit members, and Ministry of the Imperial Household practitioners.
Implications of Supernatural Abilities
The existence of supernatural abilities in My Happy Marriage has a profound impact on society. The most powerful Gifted individuals are often placed in positions of power and authority, and their Gifts are used to maintain order and stability. However, the use of Gifts can also be abused, and there are those who would use their powers for their own selfish gain.
Supernatural abilities are an integral part of the world of My Happy Marriage, and they play a significant role in the story. Miyo’s Dream Sight ability allows her to see the world in a unique way, and it gives her the power to change her own destiny and the destiny of those around her.
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