Does the Attack on Titan Tribute Game follow the canon storyline?

Does the Attack on Titan Tribute Game follow the canon storyline?

The Attack on Titan Tribute Game, developed by Feng Lee, has captured the hearts of fans worldwide. This fan-made tribute to the popular anime and manga series, Attack on Titan (Shingeki no Kyojin), has gained immense popularity for its unique gameplay and the faithful recreation of the series’ universe. In this article, we will explore whether the Attack on Titan Tribute Game follows the canon storyline of the anime and manga.

The Attack on Titan Tribute Game Mechanics

A still from Attack on Titan Tribute Game
A still from Attack on Titan Tribute Game (Image via Feng Lee)

To understand the relationship between the game and the canon storyline, we must first delve into the mechanics of the Attack on Titan Tribute Game. This 2D action game allows players to take on the roles of their favorite characters from the series, using the iconic 3D maneuver gear to battle Titans. The gameplay is fast-paced and engaging, faithfully recreating the thrill of battling Titans.

However, when it comes to adhering to the canon storyline, the game takes some creative liberties. While it captures the essence of the series in terms of core theme and atmosphere, it does not offer a one-to-one adaptation of the plot. Players may fulfill the missions that differ from the events in the anime or manga, giving rise to unique gaming experiences.

Deviations from Canon

NIght mode in Attack on Titan Tribute Game
NIght mode in Attack on Titan Tribute Game (Image via Feng Lee)

The Attack on Titan Tribute Game features significant deviations from the original storyline. While many of the game’s missions are inspired by key moments in the series, they often have their own twists and challenges. Other than Eren Yeager, the game also allows the player to take the role of different characters such as Mikasa, Levi and even Annie.  This divergence from the canon storyline allows players to experience the world of Attack on Titan in a fresh and exciting way.

Community and fan involvement

One of the unique aspects of the Attack on Titan Tribute Game is its strong community and fan involvement. Players have created countless custom maps, characters, and missions, expanding the game’s universe far beyond what was originally envisioned. This vibrant fan contribution has further blurred the line between canon and fan-made content.

Fan-made missions and mods often feature creative storylines that diverge even further from the anime and manga. While this can be seen as a departure from the canon, it also showcases the passion and creativity of the Attack on Titan fanbase.

The appeal of the game

The gameplay in Attack on Titan Tribute Game centers on repelling Titan attacks, with a clear counter tracking the number of Titans defeated and highlighting your current objective. Simplicity is a defining characteristic of this fan-created game, ensuring that players can quickly grasp its mechanics and objectives.

However, simplicity isn’t limited to gameplay mechanics; it extends to the game’s visuals as well. Although the map developed in this game is exactly similar to the one in manga, character models adopt a basic chibi style that lacks details, and both Titans and buildings are noticeably plain in design. Even for a fan-made project, the game’s visual presentation falls short of modern standards.


In conclusion, the Attack on Titan Tribute Game may not strictly follow the canon storyline, but that is part of its charm. It offers fans a chance to explore the world of Attack on Titan in new and unexpected ways. Ultimately, whether you are a die-hard fan of the series or a newcomer, the Attack on Titan Tribute Game provides an enjoyable experience to the AoT fandom.

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