Frieren Beyond Journey’s End Episode 12 explores the true strength of a human

Frieren Beyond Journey's End Episode 12 explores the true strength of a human

Frieren Beyond Journey’s End episode 12 is another banger of an episode, right after episode 11 that delved deep into the essence of God in their world and its relation with the philosopher Voltaire. This episode talks about what really defines a human and what is it that truly makes us strong, and makes us capable of surpassing our frail life to stand against the forces of the world.

In this article, I will break episode 12 down and elaborately explain the intricate expression that unfolded in it. If you like our analysis of shows like Frieren, subscribe to Spiel Anime’s Newsletter, where we bring exciting recommendations and in-depth breakdowns of characters and series to your fingertips, twice a week!

Frieren Beyond Journey’s End Episode 12 Recap

Episode 12 starts with showing our favorite trio braving through a snowstorm. As the conditions get harsh, Frieren falls asleep in exhaustion. In her dream, she finds her old party and recalls a memory from when they just began their 10-year journey. She wakes up once again to direct her current party to a safe location.

The Legend of the Hero Sword
The Legend of the Hero Sword | Courtesy of Madhouse

As the storm dies out, they reach the Village of the Sword. This is the village where the great Sword of the Hero was kept and protected. The legend is that the Hero will come and claim the sword out of the stone, and be the one who defeats the calamity of the world. Many tried but failed to take the sword, until, Himmel arrived. He was able to take the sword out and become the Hero who defeated the Demon Lord.

As the episode progresses, it is revealed that the legend was false, and that Himmel could never pull out the sword. However, the Hero’s followers spread this tale as a means to protect their benefactor. With this, they set out to the next town, where we get a glimpse into Stark’s past.

Humanity’s true strength explored through Himmel and Stark

The Hero's Sword
The Hero’s Sword | Courtesy of Madhouse

As we come to know that the legend of Himmel pulling out the sword was false, we are plunged into this intricate web of emotions and ethics. Striving on the Hero Path, persevering to one day become a true hero, Himmel is slammed with the cold hard facts that he could never become such a person. But this is where humanity shines the brightest.

  • Despite all talks of fate and destiny that bind us down and all the glorious purposes the higher species talk around, humanity strives because they do not give up. Nor do they take things as they are handed out.
  • Continuing to change his fate, Himmel is determined to defeat the Demon Lord as at that point he realized, and in a sense consoled himself, that one need not be the Hero to save the world. And that is exactly how it turned out.
Himmel's determination
Himmel’s determination | Courtesy of Madhouse

Himmel defeated the Demon Lord and became the Hero for the people, even when he was not able to pull the sword out. This is where Humanity’s true strength lies. To overcome obstacles and take one’s destiny for themselves, fate has nothing to do with what we can achieve as long as we strive toward it.

This is also seen in Stark. He considers himself a failure of a Warrior because he ran away when his home was attacked. However, that is completely not true. He is the embodiment of strength and heroism. He is kind and helpful to those who seek his aid and protects the weak. He is also the last remaining member of his village, which makes sure that their legacy has not died. He is strong, stronger than Eisen who was in Frieren’s party.

Stark | Courtesy of Madhouse

What makes Himmel and Stark heroic is:

  • their determination to not give up.
  • their ethical sense to help and protect those who need it.
  • their perseverance to change their fate.


Frieren Beyond Journey’s End Episode 12 has shown why humans are as strong as they are. It is another magnificent portrayal of the show’s theme of exploring humanity and its frail nature. This show has truly lived up to its hype and is surely the anime of the season.

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