The Chad of revenge anime, Masamune Kun no Revenge returns after years, the first season aired in 2017 covering around 30 chapters of the manga. Many fans assumed that the anime was terminated forever with no succeeding season. But to the fans’ surprise! The second season was announced and is ready to come out on July 3rd. The manga ran its course for over 6 years finally ending in 2018.Â
With a time difference of almost 5 years, what should be expected of the new season in terms of animation and the story along with other things? And where to start your revenge journey with Masamune Kun?Â
Watch order
There is the manga, the anime, and the OVA episodes. The anime covers around 30 chapters of the manga, leaving the anime at a cliffhanger. The Ova episodes feature the last chapters of the manga. There seems to be a gap between the anime and the OVA episodes.
Now with the announcement of season 2, the gaps will be filled by season 2 of the anime. The OVA episodes give heavy signals of what’s coming up in season 2. It even acts as a spoiler at many points.
- You should read the manga if you want to know the ending instantly.
- As season 2 is coming, patiently waiting and watching the entire story in season 1 and season 2 is another option.; watching the Ova episodes after season 2.
- Someone who doesn’t mind getting spoiled a little bit here and there can watch the anime, the OVA episodes, and then season 2.Â
What to expect from Season 2?
There are hardly any times when the sequel and the prequel are equally good, one always ends up surpassing the other. With anime, the judging criteria broadly come down to the way an anime looks and the way a story progresses.
The first season of Masamune Kun no Revenge left a lot to be desired. This season will give the events and the story in itself a proper ending which is a bonus. (Season 1 spoilers ahead!) The story in the upcoming season will take off from where season 1 ended. Masamune Kun’s revenge against Aki didn’t go as planned in the previous season.
We’ll see a continuation of events, with the first season ending with a karaoke scene and the kiss replaced with a sweet potato. Masamune Kun will resume his revenge with the Paris trip in season 2. Masamune Kun had its flaws with season 1 such as the repetitive humor, the sheer amount of cliche moments, and the idea of revenge taking the backseat as and when deemed necessary. All these flaws can be fixed or at least be bettered with more efficient execution.
Animation/Art styleÂ
Studio Silver Link handled the animation production of both seasons. Based on the trailer, season 2 is different in terms of the art style mainly, given the time leap between the two seasons. The animation is mostly similar. Comparatively season 2 is more extravagant with the expressions whereas season 1 is a little muted in this respect. People who like the smooth art style/aesthetic of the new anime will like season 2 better.
With the number of chapters left, we can expect similar pacing and execution of the show. Fans’ wait is finally over with the upcoming season around the corner. If you’re new to the anime, you’ve still got time to catch up. Add a new rom-com anime with a twist of revenge to your summer 2023 watch list with Masamune Kun no Revenge.Â